activities prohibited on shabbatの例文
もっと例文: 1 2
- Lighting a fire and cooking food are among the activities prohibited on Shabbat by the written Torah.
- This refers to the observance of Shabbat rules among Ethiopian Jews, necessitating the avoidance of activities prohibited on Shabbat.
- The observant Jew does not cook, spend money, write, operate electrical devices, or carry out other activities prohibited on Shabbat.
- Jewish practice clearly forbids gardening, woodworking and likely fishing on the sabbath; see Activities prohibited on Shabbat .-- talk ) 21 : 30, 6 July 2008 ( UTC)
- The tractate primarily deals with laws relating to Shabbat ( the weekly day of rest ), and the activities prohibited on Shabbat ( the 39 prohibitions ) and distinguishes between Biblical prohibitions and Rabbinic prohibitions.